Quotes with lives

Quotes 101 till 120 of 583.

  • George Bancroft Conscience is the mirror of our souls, which represents the errors of our lives in their full shape.
    George Bancroft
    American historian (1800 - 1891)
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  • George Mikes Continental people have sex lives; the English have hot-water bottles.
    George Mikes
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  • H.G. Wells Crime and bad lives are the measure of a State's failure, all crime in the end is the crime of the community.
    H.G. Wells
    British-born American author (1866 - 1946)
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  • Bill James Crime stories show us the part of people's lives they try to keep hidden.
    Bill James
    American baseball writer, historian, and statistician (1949 - )
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  • J. G. Ballard Deep assignments run through all our lives; there are no coincidences.
    J. G. Ballard
    British author (1930 - 2009)
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  • Cass Sunstein Democrats want to use government power to make people's lives go better; Republicans respond that people know more than politicians do. We think that both might be able to agree that nudging can maintain free markets, and liberty, while also inclining people in good directions.
    Cass Sunstein
    American legal scholar (1954 - )
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  • Louis de Bernieres Did you know that childhood is the only time in our lives when insanity is not only permitted to us, but expected?
    Source: Kapitein Corelli's mandoline (1994) 74
    Louis de Bernieres
    British novelist (1954 - )
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  • Rainer Maria Rilke Do not assume that she who seeks to comfort you now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do you good. Her life may also have much sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond yours. Were it otherwise, she would never have been able to find these words.
    Rainer Maria Rilke
    German poet (1875 - 1926)
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  • Lazarus Long Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy.
    Lazarus Long
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  • Phillips Brooks Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.
    Phillips Brooks
    American Minister, Poet (1835 - 1893)
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  • Marcel Marceau Do not the most moving moments of our lives find us all without words?
    Marcel Marceau
    French artist (1923 - 2007)
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  • Napoleon Doctors will have more lives to answer for in the next world than even we generals.
    French Emperor (1769 - 1821)
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  • Robert A. Heinlein Don't handicap your children by making their lives easy.
    Robert A. Heinlein
    American science fiction writer (1907 - 1988)
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  • Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth.
    Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
    Swiss-American psychiatrist (1926 - 2004)
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  • Carolyn Kizer Environmental concerns and feminism are locked together. Generally, women have closer connections to the organic nature of our lives.
    Carolyn Kizer
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  • Armstrong Williams Even during the worst hardships, when the other things in our lives seem to fall apart, we can still find peace in the eternal love of God.
    Armstrong Williams
    American political commentator, entrepreneur and author (1962 - )
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  • Armstrong Williams Even in this glowering age, morality animates our lives with meaning.
    Armstrong Williams
    American political commentator, entrepreneur and author (1962 - )
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  • Caprice Bourret Even someone who works with me, like this girl who works with me, her name is Sue. She lives with me and holds the fort; she takes care of all these little things. She takes care of the money situation, and I would not be able to live without someone like that.
    Caprice Bourret
    American businesswoman, model and actress (1967 - )
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  • Barry Malzberg Events, I say to the Captain, events control our lives, although we have no understanding of them nor do they have any motivation. Everything is blind chance, happenstance, occurrence; in an infinite universe anything can happen. After the fact we find reasons.
    Source: Beyond Apollo Ch. 60
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  • Edwin Hubbel Chapin Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
    Edwin Hubbel Chapin
    American author and clergyman (1814 - 1880)
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